How excited were we all wen we saw the search bit for the starbazzars?!?! well i think its now right near the top of the list for stardoll's worst decsions EVER!!!!!
They have acctually made the stealing scammers life 10 times friggin easier!!!
i have had endless ammounts of people sayin they have lost items in a trade & cant get them back all because of that stupid thing!!!!!!!
so since stardoll probably wont do begga all about it here r a few tips on trading now . . . . .
1 - try n trade very early hours of the mornin or any other time wen its not quite so busy!!!
2 - u r now gna av 2 get the item at lightening speed!!! so if ur computer is goin a little slow . . then wait!!!
3 - & as i always say go with ur instincts!!!! if u have a bad feeling dont do it!!! coz trust me they r usually right!
jus a quick note . .
now i no how happy people r wen they find old dkny etc i recall screamin so loud once that i made my fiancee die on the xbox wen i found a very rare item!! lool oopps . . . . but if u find out it was in a trade just give it back!!! i no its slightly heartbreakin but jus think how u wud feel if the same thing happened 2 u!!
so remember 2 be even more careful now luvvies!!