Wednesday 7 July 2010

..And Some Wierd Ones.

Shore... You don't even own makeup. Definitely don't trust this crook! She's obvi going to try to hack whoever falls into her little trap.. I'd hope that no one trusts this one.

*Gasps.* What..? Somebody cursing at Boo? Obvi some creeper | hacker | scammer.. Derhh. Well, not under my watch! You're going down girlie! By me letting the world know to block you!!

I'm watching your every move.
xoxo, ~S`

1 comment:

  1. OO lmao u found this in my gb i guess?? i aint even seen these latest 1s yet!! Obviously yet another hacker/scammer/LOW LIFE i posted ere! If you cant take the heat dont poke the fire!! lol
