Monday, 31 August 2009


Now i would like 2 think that on sd im pretty generous i lend sds 2 good friends if they need em n i have em, i give out lots of gifts as well as many other things! but this jus plain gets my goat iv never even herd of the girl n she is jus outright asking 4 a ss code . . id understand a little if she wasnt ss already! grrr


  1. -.- i got those friend requests too...
    what are ppl thinking of while they are writing such messages? ^^

  2. Got one of those recently.

    Some people's children...

  3. I get asked that regualy expecialy if ive give a friend a code =/ yano word gets out xD
    So yeahh id just like to make it clear, i dont give codes to people who ask! =D
    Plus loving the playlist!!!! =P xx

  4. oo thanx hun! i never get many comments on the playlist its great 2 no some do acctually listen 2 it lmao

  5. OMG, I hate it, too. I didn't get a friend request like that, but when I see topics in clubs like "My friend NEEDS (wtf? NEED? nobody NEEDS it, but WANTS it) an SS code, send", and when nobody answers, they start making a scandal and say that ppl are unhelpful or rude... ppl have to learn that giftcodes don't grow on trees, and somebody has to pay for them, and when somebody paid for it, they have the right to keep it for themselves...

  6. I get that as well but you no in one request i got "do you want to share your account"
