Thursday, 4 August 2011

Busting Donation

i am currently trying to get to the truth about a stardoll member claiming to give a hight score on a game and trophy if you give her your password and only costs 16SD or 150SC. What i want to know is if shes telling the truth, so i need an extremely kind member to donate an account with more than 500 starpoints that is no longer needed, no superstar and no money needed on the account, it would mean alot to try bust a scammer or maybe reveal a revolution of a trophy collection? and i will mention the person who donated to account as a special thanks! Just contact me. 


  1. I hate the thing that those trophies are so easy to get I have like 38 of them :/

  2. i've tried really hard to get one but it seems impossible! and i find it unfair!

  3. People switch to like unknown countries which have like no highscores and then they get the trophy.
